Monday, January 28, 2013

Lambert: The Big Hairy Uncle

When I first arrived on the farm, I had six ewes to watch.

I learned their names. I learned their personalities. I learned which ones would butt-push me away from the feeder.

About the time I had it all figured out, things changed.

Early one spring morning, when the ground was frosty, a ewe went into the barn and pawed at the straw. In the early morning darkness, I wasn't sure what I should do, so I just hung close and watched.

Within an hour, there were two creatures that looked just like their mom -- only shorter, skinnier and wetter.

Right then, I decided that if those little creatures were friends of my ewe friends, I'd be their friends, too!

The little creatures called me "uncle" and liked to climb on top of me. It really didn't hurt. They weighed less than a bale of straw.

Some of them were pretty funny. Some were whiny. A few, independent.

I, of course, had my favorites.

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